Stop Puppy Biting Now: Practical Solutions for a Playful Pup

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyful experience. However, one common challenge many puppy owners face is dealing with their puppy's biting and mouthing behaviour. This blog will provide you with practical and positive methods to help you to stop puppy biting effectively. By the end of this guide, you'll have the tools you need to understand and address this natural but sometimes problematic behaviour.

Puppy Biting Toy

Why is My Puppy Biting Things?

Understanding why your puppy is biting is crucial to addressing the behaviour appropriately. Puppies bite for several reasons, including teething, exploring their environment, and learning social interactions. Biting is a natural behaviour for puppies as they grow and develop. 

Here are some common reasons:


Puppies start teething around three to four months of age, which can cause discomfort and lead them to chew on objects to relieve pain. This phase can last several months, and during this time, you might find your puppy chewing on anything they can get their teeth on. Providing them with appropriate puppy teething toys & chews can help alleviate this discomfort and save your belongings from being destroyed.


Puppies use their mouths to explore the world around them. This is similar to how human babies use their hands. It’s a normal part of their development but it needs to be directed appropriately. Biting and mouthing are ways for puppies to learn about their environment. This behaviour should be managed and channeled appropriately to ensure it doesn’t become a habit.

Puppy Exploration Dog Harness

Play Behavior

Biting during play is a natural part of a puppy's behaviour. They often play rough with their littermates, and this includes biting. It’s their way of learning social cues and boundaries. When puppies bite each other, the bitten puppy will often yelp and stop playing, teaching the biter that rough play is not acceptable. This is known as bite inhibition.


Sometimes, puppies bite to get your attention. If they learn that biting results in a reaction from you, even if it’s negative, they may continue the behaviour. Puppies crave attention and interaction, and biting can sometimes be their way of initiating play or drawing your focus.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting

To stop your puppy from biting, it's essential to use positive reinforcement methods. Positive Reinforcement blog link? These techniques encourage good behaviour without the need for punishment. 

Here are some effective methods to help manage your puppy’s biting habit:

1. Redirect to Appropriate Chew Toys

Providing your puppy with appropriate puppy teething toys can help redirect their biting behaviour. When your puppy tries to bite you, offer them a toy instead. Praise them when they chew on the toy to reinforce that this is an acceptable behaviour. Toys like rubber chew toys, ropes, and teething rings are excellent choices. You can find a selection of the best puppy teething toys, designed to withstand sharp puppy teeth and soothe their gums.

2. Use Positive Reinforcement

Reward your puppy for gentle play. When your puppy interacts with you without biting, offer treats, praise, or playtime as a reward. This encourages them to repeat the positive behaviour. Positive reinforcement is an effective training method that builds a strong bond between you and your puppy. This approach focuses on rewarding the behaviours you want to see more of, rather than punishing undesirable behaviours.

3. Socialise Your Puppy

Proper socialisation can help reduce biting. Expose your puppy to different people, environments, and other dogs in a controlled and positive manner. Socialisation teaches puppies how to interact appropriately with others and reduces fear-based biting or frustration. Early socialisation can prevent a multitude of behavioural issues.

Puppy Socialisation

4. Provide Mental and Physical Stimulation

A bored puppy is more likely to engage in unwanted behaviours, including biting. Ensure your puppy has access to enriching activities and gets plenty of mental stimulation. Activities like puzzle toys and training sessions, can help keep their mind and body engaged. A well-stimulated puppy is less likely to act out by biting or chewing on inappropriate items.

5. Enroll in Puppy Training Classes

Puppy training classes offer a structured environment for your puppy to learn essential life skills. Look for classes that use positive reinforcement techniques. These classes can also provide valuable socialisation opportunities and expert guidance from trainers. Many reputable organisations offer training classes that focus on positive, reward-based training methods.

6. Be Consistent

Consistency is key in training. Ensure all family members follow the same guidelines and use the same cues and methods to address biting. Mixed signals can confuse your puppy and slow down the learning process. Consistent reinforcement of rules and positive behaviours will help your puppy understand what is expected of them.

7. Consult a Professional

If your puppy’s biting behaviour persists despite your best efforts, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviourist who uses positive reinforcement methods. They can provide personalised advice and training plans tailored to your puppy’s needs. A professional can also identify any underlying issues that may be contributing to the biting behaviour.

Choosing the Best Puppy Teething Toys

Selecting the right puppy teething toys is essential for managing your puppy’s biting behaviour. Here are some tips for choosing the best toys:

  • Durability: Look for toys made of durable materials that can withstand sharp puppy teeth. Materials like rubber, nylon, and tough fabric are ideal for teething puppies.
  • Variety: Provide a variety of textures and shapes to keep your puppy engaged. Different textures can help soothe sore gums and keep your puppy interested in their toys.
  • Safety: Ensure the toys are free of small parts that could pose a choking hazard. Always supervise your puppy during playtime to ensure they don’t ingest any parts of the toy.
  • Size: Choose toys that are appropriate for your puppy’s size. Whether you have a small or large breed, make sure the toy is not too large or too small for your puppy to handle comfortably.

Providing your puppy with the best teething toys can significantly reduce their tendency to bite on inappropriate items. These toys not only help soothe their gums but also keep them occupied and mentally stimulated.

Puppy Teething Toys


Dealing with a biting puppy can be challenging, but with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can teach your puppy appropriate behaviour. Remember to use ethical training methods and provide plenty of opportunities for mental and physical stimulation. By understanding the reasons behind your puppy's biting and using the tips provided, you can help your puppy grow into a well-behaved and happy adult dog.

For more tips on training your puppy or selecting the right harness, visit our Puppy Page for additional insights and advice. Here we discuss our top tips on how to find the right harness for your puppy. Together, we can ensure that every puppy has the best start in life.